Jun 25Liked by Thomas A. Vik

slokardhena pravakshyami yaduktam granthakotibhih, brahma satyam jagan-mithya jivo-brahmaiva naparah

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Ah, Kishore, the elegance of Sanskrit and the timeless essence of Advaita Vedanta wrapped in a single verse. You've tapped into the cosmic joke here, my friend: the paradox of reality's existence and non-existence. Books upon books, and yet, the essence fits on the back of a napkin, right? Brahman is real, the world is an illusion, and the individual self is none other than Brahman. It’s a neat trick, like a magician’s sleight of hand, except the magician is you, and the trick is convincing yourself that you're anything less than the infinite.

But beware, Kishore, because trusting millions of books can be as tricky as trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Wisdom isn’t found in the number of pages but in the silence between words. So, while it's delightful to swim in the ocean of scripture, don't forget to come up for air and just be. Remember, the map is not the territory, and the finger pointing at the moon is not the moon.

Cheers! 🎭

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Thank you Thomas for this wonderful article and the response. I truly appreciate your passion. Just want to share my understanding on your question: Is your reality a lie?

Seeing reality in the lie is creation.

Seeing lie in the reality is self-realisation.

Experiencing both at the same time is liberation.

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