Why Seeing Lord Shiva in Your Meditation Doesn’t Make You a Saint
A Brutal Dissection of Your Mystical Delusions
So, you saw Lord Shiva during your midday Zen session and now you're strutting around like you’ve hit enlightenment’s lottery.
Take a seat, champ. You've won zilch, nada. That astral encounter doesn't put you any closer to the Truth. You’re not the new Buddha or the neighborhood saint; you’re just deeply ensnared in your own fiction.
Let's unscrew that halo you’re trying to fit around your head.
Cosmic Selfies Don't Count: Your So-Called Vision
Vision of Shiva, huh? That’s cute.
You know, Joan of Arc heard voices. Tesla was in love with a pigeon. Ramanujan believed his mathematical formulas were divine gifts.
They were all game-changers, you're still fumbling with the joystick. That vision you had is more like a backstage pass to your own ignorance, not to cosmic reality. What's the big deal? You're seduced by the form, mistaking the map for the territory.
Not realizing that the vision itself is a product of your conditioned mind, a signpost that you're missing the point.
It's like being given a compass and then eating it because you think it's food.
The Heavenly Trap: Mistaking Mirage for Oasis
Ah, the old allure of spiritual materialism.
You encounter something shiny on your journey and you're like a moth to a flame. Understand this: These visions are not badges of honor; they’re more like warning labels.
You're not walking the road less traveled; you’re tumbling down a rabbit hole that leads nowhere. Take the case of Carl Jung. Yeah, the guy ventured deep into the realms of his own psyche, encountering archetypal figures and universal symbols. But he knew they were psychological phenomena, not divine meet-and-greets.
He dug through the layers of his own delusion to reach a higher understanding, not got stuck panning for cosmic gold.
Kissing Frogs Won't Find You a Prince: The Tyranny of Experience
Let's assume you're really onto something with this Shiva encounter.
Now what? Are you enlightened? Hell, no. You've kissed the frog, but there's no prince. You're still in the dream state. The tyranny of experience is that it’s easily mistaken for ultimate reality. It's not. You're still in Plato's Cave, buddy, projecting shadows on the wall.
You have to realize that no experience—no matter how profound or mystically charged—breaks the cycle of birth and rebirth, of delusion and enlightenment.
You're still on the wheel, my friend. Get off it if you're serious about this game.
Peel the Onion, Don't Worship It
Here’s the kicker: Visions are not endpoints; they're distractions.
You're just marinating in your own myth-making. What you need to do is un-see, not see more. Deconstruct, not construct. Peel the onion instead of worshiping it. You want to get to the core of who you are, not get stuck thumbing through the illustrated edition of your ego’s greatest hits.
So the next time Shiva, Buddha, or Mickey Mouse appears in your meditation, thank them for the visit and then kick 'em out.
You've got a lot of unlearning to do. And time's ticking.