Escape the 3 Big Lies: Control, Permanence, and Societal Norms Are Holding You Back
We live our lives under a grand delusion.
We believe we're in control, that the world around us is permanent, and that societal norms are our compass to truth.
Spoiler alert: We’re wrong. These beliefs are as solid as smoke rings, but we cling to them as if our lives depend on it. Well, they don’t. And until you see through these illusions, you’re trapped in a cage made of your own thoughts, padding the walls with fluff and nonsense, all while thinking you’re living free.
Let’s cut the fluff and dive into three of the biggest lies we’ve swallowed hook, line, and sinker.
1. The Illusion of Control
You think you’re the captain of your ship, right?
Steering through the storm, charting the course, avoiding the icebergs.
But here’s the kicker: There is no ship. There is no storm. You’re not the captain; you’re the wind blowing in every direction, sometimes a gust, sometimes a breeze, but always at the mercy of something bigger than you.
Why should you care? Because the idea of control is a prison with invisible bars. You think you’re in charge of your life, your job, your relationships, but you’re really just playing a game with yourself. Life is a river, and you’re a leaf floating along, thinking you’re steering because the current happens to be going your way. But the river is going where it wants, and you’re just along for the ride. Ever heard of Marcus Aurelius? Roman emperor, Stoic philosopher, guy who probably looked at control like it was a stubborn mule he had to drag through life. He knew that the only control you have is over your own mind.
The rest? A circus act, a series of events unfolding, with you as the reluctant clown trying to juggle it all. The sooner you see control for the illusion it is, the sooner you can stop juggling…
…and start watching the show.
2. The Myth of Permanence
If there’s one thing you can bet on, it’s that nothing stays the same.
Not your job, not your body, not the world you live in. Permanence is a fantasy, and yet we live like everything’s going to last forever.
We anchor ourselves to jobs, houses, relationships, thinking they’re our safety nets, but those nets are fraying at the edges. And when they finally snap, we act surprised. Imagine a sandcastle on a beach, built with care, maybe a moat for good measure. The tide rolls in, and in minutes, that castle’s gone. Was it ever really there? You’re the kid building the castle, knowing deep down it won’t last, but building it anyway, because what else are you going to do with your time? But here’s the twist: The wave’s already on its way. Everything you hold onto—your plans, your identity, your beliefs—are nothing but sand.
And the tide? It’s relentless. You’re living in the temporary, pretending it’s permanent, and wondering why you feel the ground shifting under your feet. The sooner you accept that everything is in flux, the sooner you can let go of the need for stability…
…and enjoy the ride.
3. The Deceptive Nature of Societal Norms
Society tells you what to do, how to think, what to believe.
And like good little sheep, we follow the shepherd, never stopping to ask where we’re being led.
We’re sold a bill of goods: Work hard, play by the rules, and everything will turn out fine. But who wrote these rules? And who benefits from you following them? Here’s a secret: The shepherd isn’t leading you to greener pastures. He’s leading you to the slaughterhouse.
Societal norms are designed to keep you in line, to make sure you don’t stray too far from the herd. They tell you what’s normal, what’s acceptable, what’s right. But “normal” is just a word we use to describe the cage we’ve built for ourselves. Think about it. Why do you do what you do? Why do you chase after the same dreams as everyone else? Because you’ve been taught that’s what you’re supposed to do. But what if it’s all a lie? What if the norms you live by are just a script someone else wrote, and you’re just an actor playing your part? Start questioning the script, and you might find it’s full of plot holes. Maybe it’s time to ad-lib a little, go off-script, and see where it takes you.
Break the rules, ignore the shepherd, and find your own way. Society’s norms are a mirage, and once you see through them, you can walk your own path—no shepherd required. So, what have we unraveled? You’re not in control, nothing’s permanent, and societal norms are a fairy tale. These three lies keep you running in circles, but they’re just that—lies.
The truth? It’s up to you to find it, if you’re brave enough to step off the well-worn path and into the unknown. The road less traveled is less traveled for a reason…
…but it’s the only one worth taking.